sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

Ayuda con gráfico - Cómo conducir los finales de Znosko-Borovsky

Amigos ajedrecistas:
Estoy trabajando con este libro, en el gráfico 16-B, no puedo distinguir las letras, si alguien puede enviarme a mi correo: jose_luis_matamoros@hotmail.com, uno más claro se lo agradecería mucho, la versión inglesa de este libro no lo tiene, lo suprimieron.
Prof. Matamoros

2 comentarios:

xtabay dijo...

Hola Prof. Matamoros,
apologies for continuing in English but my Spanish is not adequat enough.
I do not have a clearer picture of Znosko, but for the corresponding squares the following pages maybe helpfull on the Bianchetti study.
Averbakh in English and German, probably there exists a Spanish version of it (book&scan) and a very detailed coverage by Cheron.
Cheron is in German (I think these manuals were only written in German & French) but maybe with some translation engine and common chesslogic there might be something usefull on those pages.
Hopefully the pdf can be of some assistance with the Znosko diagram (and corresponding squares),
DL Pdf (descargar): http://www21.zippyshare.com/v/IlzZKPph/file.html

Ernani Nascimento dijo...

Fazer contato com ernaninasciment@gmail.com pois tenho o libro original e posso enviar uma foto do diagrama 16 b.

Ernani Nascimento