“Botvinnik liberó al ajedrez de su halo de misterio, comparándolo constantemente con las situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Consideraba
el ajedrez como el típico problema inexacto, similar a los que la gente
tiene que resolver en su vida diaria, diciendo “Para resolver tareas
Inexactas es muy importante limitar la escala del problema, a fin de
evitar empantanarse, y sólo así hay una posibilidad de resolverlo con
mayor exactitud. Sería erróneo pensar que el ajedrez no refleja la realidad objetiva. Refleja lo que una persona piensa”. (Kasparov, G.) Descarga la información en formato ChessBase
freed chess from its nimbus of mystery, constantly comparing it with
the situations of everyday life. He considered chess as the typical
inaccurate problem, similar to those that people have to solve in their
daily lives, saying "To solve inaccurate tasks it is very important
to limit the scale of the problem, in order to avoid getting bogged
down, and only then is there a possibility to solve it with greater
accuracy. It would be wrong to think that chess does not reflect
objective reality. It reflects what a person thinks." (Kasparov, G.) - Download the information in ChessBase format
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